There are some very good sellers on Ebay, they send stuff well packed, don't overcharge for postage, communicate well, and you get exactly what you expected in the condition you expected.
There are even better sellers who wrap stuff beautifully, and send you free little gifts for shopping with them and are so nice. Most of these are in the USA I have found.
Then there are sellers who overcharge on postage, but the rest is alright. Some take forever to send your goods. One I have ordered from stated that it took 4 weeks from payment to order the stamps, so they won't get to the U.K. for 6 weeks, which I suppose isn't bad if you don't mind the wait but if you think about it they have your cash, which they are probably earning interest on for weeks before they pay for your goods and I don't think is strictly within the Ebay rules.
I have ordered from one of these sellers, they are berating me for ordering so much which they say they will have to split into two, as I will pay tax if not, and this is normally charged extra (about £2.50) but on this occasion they won't charge! I told them 4 weeks ago I wasn't worried about the amount, I have rarely been charged for tax, and if I was it wasn't going to matter as it would even out over all purchases to very little. They said they can't mark it as a gift as that is illegal - I didn't ask them to.
I don't think I will be going back to them!
Today I recieved a package of 4 stamps I ordered from the wasabi625 who I have added to my links. The postage was as charged, the stamps were wrapped lovingly in polka dot fibre type paper fabric, stuck round with tape, and there were two pots of mica powder, and an envelope containing two foam stamps, two mini clear stamp sets, an acrylic block and a labrador with a Stars and Stripes flag in it's mouth. I only paid for the 4 wood backed stamps! My previous order with Wasabi625 was for one stamp, they sent a small one free! How generous is that!Then there are sellers best avoided, I once bought a set of paddle punches from a USA seller who I noticed afterwards had terrible feedback, and I worried I wouldn't get anything, so when I finally got the set of paddle punches, and it was a different set to the one ordered I was so relieved to get it, and I didn't have that set either, that I didn't complain!
Another seller in the UK from whom I bought two items, and I left really good feedback for one item and neutral for the other mainly because I asked if I could change it for a more expensive item and I didn't hear back, so said communications could be better. That seller sent me threatening emails, and called me the most awful names, said she would make sure they spoiled my 100% feedback, which they did by leaving two negative comments. This is very unfair as I paid promptly and the one neutral feedback has no effect on their score but many sellers wait until they get feed back and only leave you good feedback if you give it!
On buyer once bought a camera that cost £1.50, postage was £3.50 and complained it didn't work with their PC, and wanted a full refund and if I wanted it back they wanted me to pay postage so I just refunded and wrote it off as a bad experience!
Other buyers have complained their goods haven't arrived, I always send them recorded so there is no question - it either got there or not! The last person to ask where it was changed their story and said they had just gone home and "found" two envelopes one of which was the item, this was after I responded that someone at their address had signed for it two days ago!
I have had things not turn up, and the seller each time has replaced it, in some cases it was recorded and others not.
So I have decided today to start adding exceptionally good sellers in my experience to my blog by way of recommendation. They deserve it, but I hope this doesn't put the prices up!