It's that day again, the day of the week we go gaily tripping round everyone's desks and spaces and confessing about our own!
This is the other side of the desk, I have two or more packs of yarn waiting to be hooked, and that purple box underneath - yes more yarn! The boxes on the left contain things I am trying to get rid of, a lot has gone it was much bigger. Under the desk you can see boxes which contain Christmas paper and cards, some bagged and priced from when they were in the shop, some just finished cards, you can see purple and green crates, those are full of more yarn mostly machine knitting cones, as well as a length of material I was going to sew, I might make a skirt yet. Some of the yarn might be going to the charity shop where I bought it, it is horrible to work with.
More yarn, oh dear! The green tub is full, as are the bags including the pink, black and white one, some of it was to make lots of crochet hats which I hoped to sell - not got very far with that apart from hats for Kenny! The box - it's the ecraft which I sold, had to refund and pay carriage back again and it has sat there for at least a year because I don't have the heart to find out what damage the buyer has done to it, because if what she said is true it is in far worse condition than the working condition it left in. Not only do I not have the funds towards the new machine I wanted, I ended up out of pocket by £20 for carriage both ways.
Another corner of the room, by the exercise bike, and this photo made me tidy up here afterwards. I am working on the cardigan again, found I had made an error on the back so unpicked (or frogged it if you prefer) and started over. The white bag is toy stuffing. I have been taking my crochet to do while visiting mother in law, who came out of hospital into a home yesterday. This is short term as far as we know, but the home is not the right place for her as pretty much everyone else there has dementia and so she stays in her room and sees nobody but the staff. Her room seems clean, and quite big, she has a bathroom, there is a window but too high to see out of sitting down and there is no view, and she worries that it is open and anyone can walk in if they want. We took a TV over today, so I have no TV by me to watch but I thought her need was greater than mine, unfortunately we could get no signal but the maintenance guy is going to run a new cable down from the attic tomorrow morning for her. She hates it there so much and her obvious distress is distressing us both especially Shaun. I think we have to find her somewhere better soon, they didn't even help her dress and she only had half her clothes on.
So here is the desk, and I have tidied it up considerably since last week, there is a way to go. The paper pad is out for a project I want to start but I am so exhausted from making phone calls about MIL's situation, visiting, letting people know the latest etc and the days seem to run together with not a lot getting done. We have been getting back late and I haven't felt like cooking the meal I planned to cook so we have been grabbing something quicker.
I made myself a salad for lunch, it was nice and symmetrical on a round plate. It had tuna and cottage cheese on top. Anyway I put it on the dining room table, then remembered I was going to look for my oldest mobile phone to charge up and take in for MIL to try and use, and I found it and got it charging. Returned to the dining room to find Sooty and Alfie - Sooty was up at the table licking a cherry tomato off of the plate, a section all along one side of my salad was no longer round - there was a space on the plate and it was straight across! A couple of leaves were on the floor - dogs not keen on green leaves of the salad variety! I had to ditch some more of my salad, assuming that the straight edge had been licked all the way along! I ate the rest, on the same plate, I have only just thought about that plate and the fact it might have had dog saliva on it too - I am too tired to think straight right now!
Oh and today the dishwasher broke down so I have had to do a lot of washing up!
Anyway I might not manage to get round many folks this week, and I probably owe a few from last week, but if you want to find out more and join in just hop on over to The Stamping Ground.