I am trying to keep collections together, if I have a few from a particular seller, or manufacturer I group them. If I haven't got a printed sheet I need to stamp them and copy or stamp twice and I just got through stamping an exciting find which was a set of stamps from www.timetostamp.com, and there was no clue as to what they were apart from a photo of the stamp sheet, and the seller thought it was corsets and stuff but it was so cheap, about £3 I think and it is vintage adverts for corsets, typewriters, pens, cutlery all sorts. I haven't scanned it yet because not only do I have room on the end for a few more stamps that don't belong to anywhere else, but I have one stamp that I am not certain of, it could be part of the set or not. I mounted and cut them apart a long time ago and they were all in with a heap of other stamps, some I can identify to other sets, but this one I don't know. Seems to be a lady and there is a word or some words on it. So I thought I will go to the web site and see, and the web site above takes me to I Brake for Stamps (a site I have bought from them too in the past, very nice stamps) but only a couple of the stamps from my set are visible here so I am no wiser. (Edited to say: I just clicked on the corset stamp and it brought up a sheet of stamps which i the sheet I have, so now I can see my random stamp doesn't belong to it.)
When I have completed the UMs I have a heap of single clear stamps I want to sort in the same way and mount probably on laminate sheets also. (Perhaps I shouldn't mention I have just purchased some UM Unity Stamps on Ebay, but at least they come ready mounted).
Oh and I nearly forgot I bought some bundles of Penny Black clings and Hero Art Slap-sticks (at very good prices on Ebay I must add, couldn't not buy at those prices), all ready mounted on printed cling mount but they need putting away and cataloguing so I could still be doing this for days!
I realise I haven't yet shown you the before and after photos of my craft room also, but it has got very untidy again in order to try and tidy it. I will try and find some photos I can show you. I also took a video but it is too long and I couldn't work out the software to edit it which was a trial version now expired. I haven't decided which photo software to go for yet, but I will get the matching video software when I do. I might just have to show you still photos.
I am alone apart from the dogs at least for the morning but I do have things to do so on that note I better get on with them! I only put the PC on to scan the stamp sheets you understand, but then I was tempted to peek at Facebook, then Farmville, then Countrylife, and do a little on those!