Hop on over to Toodles and Binks blog for a chance to win blog candy, but you need to do it tonight!
Welcome to my blog

Thursday, 30 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
K is for keep it simple

On the ABC challenge blog that is. So I set about making a couple of cards using a stamp, one colour of ink, three colours of card and a peel off - simple.
I don't often do peel offs nowadays but that was the simplest thing to do.
The second card has the flower stamped twice on the panel and the second one cut out and layered on the first, this was to hide a smudge and to vary the design. The same stamp was used all over the card blank before creasing and folding.
I have actually posted the candy to the winners today at last. I had today off and chose the worst possible time to drive to the Post Office as the schools were all emptying for the day. Ah well it is done, I also had to pick up some supplies because my son decided that I could cook him a pie from his childhood but I cooked the wrong one apparently. I can't remember the other one, but it was finished off despite that.
I too have won blog candy from Donna (see blog candy section for link) and I am not sure what I am getting, but thanks for picking me out Donna.

Thursday, 23 April 2009
...and the winner is.....
Esme! Congratulations Esme the crafting vet you have won the first of the second little candy prizes. I will post both yours and Dawn's prizes off soon, had to reprint Dawn's address as I know I did it but cannot find it anywhere.
I am off to Shepton Mallet Show this afternoon, with Mum! I am driving and not sure how I will get on as it is a bit further than my legs feel comfortable with normally so I may have call for rescuers to come get us and drive my car back, unless Mum fancies driving my car (very slowly and carefully).
So I might just spend some more dosh on more stash, seems rude not to really. Will be posting more candy soon.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Cooeee I'm back!
Only one more day to enter the blog candy below, and so far I have drawn Dawn from the followers to win the second candy, now I am back I will get that posted off to Dawn.
Holiday was nice, the weather was fab. It was a little ruined at the beginning by my developing a big spot right in the middle of my nose, it was so painful and I felt everyone was staring and I looked like a rhinoceros! I spent days slapping on the spot stuff in an effort to cover it up and maybe get rid, but eventually it sort of subsided, is still there as a big spot but at least the pain has gone and my whole nose was red but is back to normal, sorry if this is too much information.
We got to Torquay after dropping into the Donkey Sanctuary for lunch and to see a few donkeys, and after a rest in the hotel we went to the theatre to see Sylvia, which was really funny and was about an adopted dog causing marital strife in New York but the dog was played by a girl.
Then we went for an Indian meal in Bombay Express which is a beautifully decorated restuarant that does great food.
I got hold of two free cinema tickets to State of Play on Sunday morning in Paignton, and it was a really gripping movie, well anything with Dame Helen Mirran is bound to be good, and she plays a hard newspaper editor in this story of intrique which thrills right the way through.
Then we bought a few things to have a "picnic" in the hotel room. We later ate at a Chinese restaurant in Torquay that was recommended to us by the hotel and which we would probably never have found otherwise though it was in the eating guide booklet.
Yesterday we visited Trago Mills, and I bought "cough" a few little bits though I hadn't thought I wanted anything. I bought two packs of pick and mix card, two packs of Black Magic card (expensive but I figured it was probably cheaper than anywhere else and I have wanted to try it for ages), couple of paint brushes, a wheel of gems, a card of gems, two packs of felt borders, and I bought one of the Daisy and Dandelion sets - Pickles the elephant.
I really wanted some of the others as they were £3.79 a set, but there were none out. I asked the lady who was restocking the shelves, there wasn't much there really, but she had a trolley full of boxes, more in the warehouse and said the pickles stamps were in the first box but she had no idea when she would get to the rest. I hung around and checked back a couple of times but no joy sadly.
I also bought a glass cutting mat, people are raving about these and it was just over £6 so I thought I would try it.
To compensate for not getting the stamp sets I wanted I bought a Papermania one with dotty flowers, I can't remember if I have it already though.
On the way back we were going to pop in the very big Asda in Newton Abbot, but when we found you had to pay to park and £1 for an hour we didn't bother, but went to the big M&S on the way back to Torquay (which is next to the big Sainsburys, what heaven) and as well as our lunch we spent £100 on clothes as I hadn't expected the weather to really be as warm and my jeans and new sweatshirts were a tad warm, and I packed an awful skirt I bought from Sainsburys which seems to have streched rediculously and I think will be going back - I had to hold it up with a belt and with the two badly chosen T shirts I felt I looked like a refugee from the jumble sale - so after spending I felt a lot better in my cotton cargo pants and new tops. The only problem was that I picked up another pair in a different colour and they were too tight! I took them back today and tried on another pair, and two other colours and only the light green fitted.
I also bought a swimming cossie and actually went for a swim in the hotel swimming pool this morning though I nearly didn't as it has been a long time and I was really nervous.
Yesterday evening we visited Brixton and No 15 restaurant, which serves really great fish and steak dishes as well as rack of lamb, and I think vegetarian options. It is very small and therefore worth booking. As you walk up the stairs to the restaurant you pass the kitchen and can see cooking in progress.
I was tempted by the soup of the day but really didn't think I could manage that as well.
We had been planning to stay tonight too, and revisit Trago for a few things, but some things cropped up so we couldn't really stay.
We did visit the donkeys again and had lunch in the restaurant there, they do a great jacket potato with chedder cheese, huge meal each and pot of tea each for £13 total. We cuddled a few more donkeys, but no loose change this time as we delivered it the first time, then back home.
Friday, 17 April 2009
Desert Island 40th (C4 size card)

This is a big card at C4 finished size, the die cut palm tree is Accucut and is a big die, the sign is Sizzix as is the sun, cloud and the 40. I used glitter card for the sand, vellum for the waves, brass charm boats, fish eyelets, and ribbon for the towel, buttons and some Dove Craft flip flops.
Appropriate as we are off to Torquay, will it look like this tomorrow?
Don't forget to enter my blog candy while I am away.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Blog candy winner - followers draw

Then I shut my eyes and picked, just peeking so I could take the photo - no other volunteers still up tonight I'm afraid!

and the winner is........dum diddy dum dum dum......
The lovely Dawn!

Now I have to tell you that I am going away to the seaside Saturday, won't be back until Tuesday or Wednesday evening depending how we get on, so if you enter my other candy draw your comments won't appear until I get back.
Now I just need Dawn to confirm that she would like this candy (see the candy post for what it is - NOT THE BIG SHOT), if not I will draw again. If yes I need your address Dawn, you can post it as a comment and I won't publish it. (I'm sorry I did have it but no idea where).
Monday, 13 April 2009
Eeek, quickie candy alert
Lorraine over at Craft Coo is offering a surprise quickie candy but you have to comment by midnight tonight - it is Easter Monday candy!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
2nd little blog candy times two - NOW CLOSED
Here at last is my second little blog candy. There are two candys on offer, the first is for anyone but you must:
1. be a crafter,
2, post a link on your blog or spread the word on a forum and tell me which forum and your forum name,
3. show me something you have made using something shiny, foil, paper, card, embossing, glitter etc.
Candy 1 for anyone to enter is by Glue Dots and is doublesided sticky motif packs with some foil and flock. I really don't use these and have acquired a lot of them so they need to go to a good home.
Candy 2 is same sort of thing but by LP Creative and is for my existing followers only (to say thank you for following me), no new followers will be included in this draw (though any who join before the next followers only draw would be included in any later follower's draws).
Candy 1 - you have until Wednesday 22nd April to do all of the above to be entered in the draw.
Candy 2 - I will draw this in the next day or two and contact the winner.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Happy Easter
I coloured the bunny with Marvy brush markers, he is stamped and heat embossed black, and I wanted the bow to stand out.
The DCWV sentiment went perfectly with the DCWV paper, but sadly the card should have been bigger for me to put it on straight across as I would have liked, so I angled it and added a couple of sticker eggs from the same sticker pad.
I hope you all have a happy Easter break.

Friday, 10 April 2009
Magical birthday card

The stamp is by Stamptivity, the words are by Rubbadubbadoo.

Thursday, 9 April 2009
Beautiful 2
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Blog candy winner
Monday, 6 April 2009
Sorry, not drawn blog candy
I haven't had time tonight, will try tomorrow peeps and let you know who wins.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
PCJ Easter Fat page swap
I can't get on to PCJ it has been down for maintenance for two days, I know that Sadie, Paula and Gaye are in the swap, I have their pages and addresses and mine are ready to go to them. I know Flee is in the swap but I don't have her address, and I can't remember who else. If anyone wants to enlighten me I would be grateful. As I moderate all comments I won't publish any personal info yousend me via comments.
Edited to say I now have CFCs page and address thanks, I think just Flee to go but I could be wrong, Flee - what is your address?
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Challenge card for the CB party
Me in masquarade mask for Crafts Beautiful online party

Birthday card 50th and online party

Little belated birthday stamp, MSE?

There is a great online party going on right now at the Crafts Beautiful forum, fun, games and prizes to celebrate the Lets Make Jewellery new magazine!
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Hooray Robo lives!
I realised what the problem was when Pinkpuppy's other half tried to help and asked for a link to the software I was trying to install, when I looked for it I found that below the version I had been told I needed (v4.4) there was a 64bit version, I have a 64bit Vista PC, so I downloaded that and installed it no problem! Robo has just hopefully cut out the 50 I need.
Or maybe not - here we go, it didn't cut the thin red shiny card right through, going to try with double cut or will have to get the digital calliper out to check it and find something else.
Yay that worked, now have my 50. It is a bit ragged but it will do, also I resprayed the carrier sheet which now doesn't want to part with the goods.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Little hugs
Craft Robo blues - again!
I need my Robo to cut out a big 50, I am no good at cutting by hand, but I have a new PC with Vista and though I downloaded the Vista software with drivers the drivers will not install on my PC.
I have emailed Graphtec who are trying to help, but they seem to think it is down to my inability to point to the drivers, I keep telling them I can't point to what isn't there! They are going to send me the drivers on a disk as they said it might be easier for me to point at them, though they have talked many people through pointing at the drivers in the past - arghhhhh, there are no drivers to point at - how many times!!!!!!
I was expecting problems with installing on Vista and I wasn't wrong, shame as I need it now.