Well I've not joined in for many months at Elizabeth's and Bleubeard's place for tea on Tuesday, but here I am with my hot chocolate in the foreground surveying heaps of boxes.
I had to clear out my craft room when my husband was supposed to be coming home, and I had a hospital bed and equipment installed in here ready, which meant a lot of boxes of stash were relocated upstairs and to any available space. After (my husband died in the hospice) the equipment was collected I decided that I didn't want the table that was in here with all it's messy boxes underneath.
(I should mention here that my husband passed away in August, in case you didn't read the last post linked below which is on my crochet blog, as several people assumed he was still alive, sorry my fault.)
Instead I would buy a Really Useful Storage unit called The Petite Salcombe from Storage4Crafts. This is a folding unit that holds lots of different size Really Useful Boxes, and the plan is to sort my stash back into the boxes and they will be stored out of sight when it's folded and easily accessible when working.
I'm currently rethinking which stash will go in the boxes, a lot of what was under and around the old desk was yarn and that won't necessarily work with this system because it would totally fill and and maybe some of the boxes aren't big enough for yarn stash.
What I might do now is to clear out some drawers of stash that are currently under the bench down the side of the room. Then I might have room for the yarn boxes, and even buy a few more under bed storage boxes for yarn if I need to. Not sure what I will do with the drawers yet - unless the yarn can go in the larger ones!
I'm also thinking I can maybe clear some of my shelves and store things that didn't fit on them.
This 35l box will not fit the unit, not sure where I will put it. I bought two that hold hanging files, the first one is 19l but I wasn't sure one would be big enough, and I decided to use this one instead for all of my (mostly printed) crochet patterns in the same place and labelled into types of pattern so I can find them easier, except for those (now probably vintage) ones I have in a folder, and the crochet magazines. I have sorted all the loose patterns into here now. There is room for more when I print them too! Some of the magazines I buy digitally and only print the patterns I really want to make one day......not sure which one day!
I just heard two pieces of news, one is that the unit is arriving tomorrow (will need assembling but I am quite good at that) and my visitors are arriving during the day tomorrow (panic) so I need to clear a space in here for the boxes with the unit to fit, and to have space to assemble it (will have help now lol). I think once I can fit the boxes in I can really get stuck in to tidying and maybe I can start paper crafting again! I also need to get some stuff done before the visitors arrive, move all things an 11 month old will get into, clean the floor, make beds etc.
Also Sooty has a check up tomorrow, he had a bladder stone removed last week. He seems much happier now, we just need to get back to normal walks - and the furniture is piled up with objects to try and stop him jumping on it, he wasn't allowed to jump up. Nobody can sit down right now without moving something like the laundry basket.
Here's Sooty just after the operation, wearing his pink lampshade and Alfie's jumper because he was shaved quite a lot. He really liked the home cooked chicken and rice, I had to keep it going for a week to get the antibiotics into him, and he looked a bit disappointed when it stopped but it did make his beard very smelly!