I bought Shaun a bargain ticket to go into The Bishops Palace and Gardens at Wells and it expired this month, so today we went and it was lovely. This is a photo of the cathedral from inside the palace grounds.
Here is Angel Shaun...
and Angel Carol lol.
There once was an ugly duckling, with feathers all stubby and brown.... couldn't stop singing that sone when I saw these cuties!
I took over 100 photos today, but better not put them all on here or it will be a long and maybe boring post for some.
I've somehow not had the heart to join in WOYWW lately, every week I take the photos then don't do it, but last week I really wanted to join in the anniversary celebrations and even make an ATC, unfortunately MIL had other ideas, she had 3 falls, and we got called out 4 times, had to get paramedics twice, and the doctor once, and she ended up in hospital, and Wednesday evening we spent 5 hours waiting for the doctor after the paramedic called out of hours, then the ambulance. MIL was tucked up in bed - we were not! So I was far too tired to do a thing - and I hadn't managed to make my first ever ATC. I know it is Thursday now, just, but I thought I would pop in this week and explain. I seem to have become an occasional WOYWWer when I used to be regular so to speak!

This is what I started on last night, a dog sweater for Alfie. I trimmed the dogs short ready for Summer a couple of weeks ago when we had a few really warm days, but then we had a lot of really cold days and poor Alfie was suffering with his arthritis. I've been meaning to do this for ages, and today it was so hot he doesn't need it. This one I tried on him and it is too tight but I think I will finish it anyway, it might be ok for next door's Dachshunds if they want it and if I lengthen the body. Now this is the right way up, the holes are for the front legs and there are cuffs to do, and the instructions say to join it from the neck to the start of the shaping, so just past the leg openings. Poor old Alfie is way to stiff in the legs to get this on over his head and legs, so I have decided I better redesign the pattern so that the seam is along the back, the reverse of how it is here, and then work a button band so I can pop him into it and button it up - then it will be easy to put on. Alfie may object strongly to wearing clothes, he never has been keen on his waterproof coat!

Oh well I better show you the desk, looks pretty messy but I have made a lot of progess putting away stamps. There is a bit of stamping going on here, I have good intentions to enter challenges with real stamps as well as some digis, I keep finding they have closed by the time I get round to actually making something!
The only problem is more stamps are on the way, and some have arrived:
The sad reason is that many shops are closing down, like Whiff of Joy and these beauties were up to 90% off, most of the stamps were less than one Euro each! How could I resist! Quixotic Paperie closed, I had to buy some Kraftin Kimmies, and I was going to buy more but left it too late. Clare Curd had a closing down sale, I bought a couple of things there. CraftsULove have their weekly bargains that you have to grab quick and they have the WR Memory Keepers flower punch board for just £9.99 and there was free postage on the bank holiday weekend - hrmmmp, yes it came my way! Then I won a Kraftin Kimmie $10 voucher, more than $10 of stamps fell into my basket and there is postage on top, and I wondered if I should have chosen my first choice but the ones I chose were in the Frugal Friday sale!
Now I need a load more EZ mount, and haven't finished putting away the stamps I have, and I have a load of stamps I have had years and not used or used a long time ago and think maybe I need to clear them out. Well I did start doing that, but the awful events of this year put a stop to sorting out and selling stuff cheap, and tidying really. I have only just got back to it.
Also I am coming up to our 40th wedding anniversary, and my 60th birthday which the family will combine into one celebration, we don't normally remember our wedding anniversary or celebrate it, but I guess we will have to this year, so maybe a giveaway is in order, if I can get round to it!
To find out what this is all about and join in hop over to
The Stamping Ground now, where the legendary Julia Dunnit will explain all!